The Overkill is a playful art, games and film festival focused on the impact of digital culture on our society. The festival showcases a selection of interactive and participative art installations, indie/arthouse games, presents an alternative film program, experimental live performances and activities such as workshops, network meet-ups, talks, hybrid symposium
Theme 2025: Return to Dreamland, From #CalmTok to Rest as Resistance
In 2025 following the progress of our reflection on play and activism, in the context of a hyper productive society, long conflicts, climate catastrophes, engulfing A.I, we want to take the risk, the counter intuitive move, the challenge to stay in bed, under the blanket, heads in the pillow. If new technologies infiltrate our beds to transform it into data to be mined, XR technologies, video games and virtual environments are also relevant media when delving into dreamworlds. This new edition wants to be another chapter of resistance where we self-organise to wander, dream, let our subconscious meet, invite our nightmares in…
The year program of Sickhouse and its main guest artists will be the leading process to develop the research and the selection for the festival.